
Science Communication

SPECS started Science Communication for education to make people especially children understand the facts easily by making it simple, not in the form of a complicated formula or a definition. It was started as a campaign, which has now become one of the most popular programs of the organization.

For SPECS's Science Communication must go beyond classroom settings, reaching out to the broader community especially school and college students. Through workshops, outreach and awareness programs, and engaging events like fairs, SPECS aims to bridge the gap between science and the general public. For these activities and events individuals of all ages are encouraged to participate to discover the wonders of science in an entertaining and enlightening manner.

SPECS organizes following trainings for Science Communication

S. No. Subject Duration
1 Science behind miracles
2 Science communication and awareness through puppetry
3 Science communication and awareness through toys made of waste material
4 Low-cost teaching aids
5 Making of telescope for star gazing Awareness on Astronomy through mobile planetarium

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Biodiversity for Livelihoods

For livelihood generation and improvement of quality of life of the poor and marginalised sections of the society including women, SPECS is working simultaneously on many issues including environment, energy efficiency, agriculture and horticulture, food conservation, Science dissemination, hydroponics and aquatic plants, aquarium and terrarium, e-waste, climate change, water quality, etc.

SPECS also organizes training programs and teaches the beneficiaries making different products to improve their livelihood and the quality of life. In these training programs, people are taught how to make and use those products. This way people not only get an opportunity to learn new things, but they are encouraged to start their own business which to improve their livelihood.

SPECS provides trainings on the following for income generation

S. No. Subject Duration
1 Bamboo Art: Decorative and reading lamps, succulent pots, pen stand
2 Aquarium
3 Hydroponics
4 Bee Keeping

Agriculture and Horticulture

In this sector, SPECS worked to bring the technologies and tools including best practices to remote rural areas, which helped in bringing improvement in the field of agriculture and horticulture.

SPECS organizes demonstrations and trainings to farmers in new as well as best practices in natural farming / organic farming for improvement of their income and livelihoods. Some of the techniques include - Soil Testing and seed testing, Organic Fertilizer (including compost and liquid fertilizers), ready to use Mixed Soil for pots, Nursery of Succulents, Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables, Beekeeping & processing Honey, Bamboo Products including Bamboo Lamps, Bamboo Spoon stand, pen stands, flower pots, bamboo art, mushroom cultivation, and making natural colours, etc. SPECS also organizes demonstrations on soil testing, and seed testing to reach more and more beneficiaries to show them an easy way of farming and gardening.


S. No. Subject Duration
1 Organic fertilizer: Converting locally available bioresources including tree leaves, grass, flowers, rotten fruits, etc. into fertilizer by recycling them.
2 Preparing ready-to-use mixed soil for pots and nurseries: Mixed soil is prepared for different types of plants by mixing soil and manure according to the nature of the plants.
3 Nursery of Succulents, water plants and indoor plants
4 Nursery of Fruits, flowers and vegetables
5 Soil Testing Kit

Low-cost Science Toys (Use Waste as a resource)

SPECS developed Low-cost Science Toys for children and done awareness campaign for Exposing Miracles and Charades to celebrate the “Year of Science 2004”, which was sponsored by the National Council for Science, Technology and Communication, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Low-cost Science Toys demystifies technology and conveys the science and its basic principles in simple toys. It also seeks to provide an environmental response to the problem of waste material and recycling it for purposeful education. The activity involves using waste material that is easily available – such as match box, waste paper, pins, etc. - to make toys., Over the years more than 350 simple but meaningful toys have been created. The best thing about this is that the children learn to make them, and many times they have also come out with their own creation. This is as much ‘fun’ as it is ‘learnt’.


S. No. Subject Duration
1 Aquarium
2 Terrarium
3 Puppetry
4 Water plants
5 Low cost Science toys


SPECS is making efforts to enhance income and livelihood of the women and youth with minimum investments using as much as possible local resources. Some of the interesting livelihood options promoted by SPECS are given below:

An aquarium is a transparent enclosure filled with water where aquatic plants and animals are kept for observation, display, and often for recreational purposes. Aquariums vary in size, ranging from small fish bowls to large public aquariums housing a diverse array of marine and freshwater species. They are designed to replicate natural aquatic environments, providing a habitat for fish, invertebrates, and aquatic plants.
Aquariums offer a unique opportunity for people to observe and know aquatic life closely and appreciate the diversity of marine and freshwater ecosystems. It is believed that watching fish swim in an aquarium have a calming and therapeutic effect, of reducing stress and relaxing.
Aquariums in the scientific institutions, contribute to the scientific research and conservation efforts by studying and breeding various aquatic species.
Aquariums enhances the aesthetic appeal of homes, offices, and public spaces, providing a visually captivating and dynamic focal point. Some people maintain aquariums as a hobby that allows them to create and customize their aquatic environments, selecting fish, plants, and decorations. SPECS is building aquariums for colourful fish lovers. Coloured fish are kept inside the houses in small glass vessels as per demand of the aquarium lover. SPECS also organizes training for aquarium maintenance. Ponds are prepared for commercial fish farming, in which fish are reared, fish are produced. This can be commercialised for income generation. Specs not only makes aquariums but also provides training on how to make and maintain them. After training at SPECS many people have started preparing aquariums by their own as a business.
Making and Maintaining Aquarium
Creating and maintaining an aquarium involves several techniques to establish a healthy aquatic environment for fish and other aquatic life. Here are essential steps and practices:
  • Setting Up the Aquarium:
    • Choose an appropriate tank size and location away from direct sunlight and drafts.
    • Clean the tank thoroughly before adding any substrate or decorations.
    • Add a substrate layer (gravel, sand) and arrange decorations like rocks, driftwood, or plants.
  • Cycling the Aquarium:
    • Perform a nitrogen cycle to establish beneficial bacteria that break down ammonia and nitrites.
    • Use bacterial supplements or add hardy fish to initiate the cycling process.
  • Water Parameters:
    • Maintain proper water parameters (temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels) suitable for the species of fish and water plants.
    • Regularly test the water using appropriate test kits and perform partial water changes to maintain water quality.
  • Filtration:
    • Choose a suitable filtration system (e.g., power filter, canister filter, sponge filter) based on the tank size and inhabitants.
    • Ensure the filter is properly sized and maintained to keep the water clean and remove waste.
  • Aquatic Plants:
    • Incorporate live aquatic plants, that contribute to the aquarium's ecosystem by oxygenating the water, absorbing nitrates, and providing shelter for fish.
    • Use appropriate substrate and lighting for plant growth.
  • Fish Selection and Acclimatization:
    • Research and select fish species compatible with the tank size, water parameters, and each other's behaviour.
    • Let new fish acclimatise properly to reduce stress to ensure a smooth transition to the new environment.
  • Feeding and Maintenance:
    • Feed fish appropriate and varied diets, avoiding overfeeding to prevent water quality issues.
    • Perform regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning the tank glass, vacuuming substrate, and trimming plants as and when needed.
    • Monitor fish behaviour and health regularly to detect any signs of disease or stress.
  • Aquarium Safety:
    • Ensure all equipment (heaters, lights, filters) are functioning properly, follow safety precautions to prevent electrical hazards.
    • Handle chemicals and medications cautiously and according to instructions.
Specs has also started making terrarium, which is a wonderful and beautiful construction a boon for nature lovers who want to bring nature in their home. Terrarium is a small garden of plants decorated inside a glass vessel which can be kept anywhere in the house, and does not require much care. Apart from being decorative, it also contributes to environmental protection. One can make it a livelihood option as well as a profitable business with just rupees five to ten thousand only.
Terrarium making can prove to be an accessible and affordable hobby or even a small business venture for entrepreneurs. By employing below mentioned cost-effective tools, techniques, and approaches, it's possible to create and maintain beautiful terrariums at a minimal cost, making it accessible to the people with limited resources or financial limitations.
Making and Maintaining Terrariums
Terrarium a small enclosed ecosystem in a glass container, can indeed be a cost-effective venture suitable for various groups, including dropouts or youth or women from lower-income backgrounds. Here are tools, techniques, and cost-effective methods for making and maintaining a terrarium:
  • Tools and Materials:
    • 1. Glass Container: Use affordable glass containers, such as jars, fish tanks, or repurposed glassware.
    • 2. Soil and Substrate: Utilize inexpensive potting soil or a mixture of sand, pebbles, and activated charcoal for drainage.
    • 3. Plants: Select low-cost and easy-to-maintain plants like succulents, mosses, or ferns, that are often affordable and readily available.
    • 4. Decorative Elements: Consider using locally available affordable decorative elements like rocks, pebbles, or small figurines.
    • 5. Basic Gardening Tools: Tools like small spades, tweezers, or brushes for planting and arranging.
  • Techniques:
    • 1. Container Setup:
      • o Begin by layering substrate materials like gravel, charcoal, and soil for drainage.
      • o Arrange the selected plants using gardening tools, ensuring they fit well in the container and have enough space to grow.
    • 2. Plant Selection and Care:
      • o Choose low-maintenance plants that require minimal watering and care, such as succulents or air plants.
      • o Water the terrarium sparingly, as closed terrariums can create a self-sustaining moisture cycle.
    • 3. Maintenance:
      • o Regularly check for excess moisture or condensation; if present, leave the lid off for a while to dry out the terrarium.
      • o Prune or remove dead leaves to maintain the health and appearance of the plants.
    • 4. Lighting:
      • o Place the terrarium in an area with indirect sunlight, as most terrarium plants thrive in moderate to low light conditions.
  • Cost-Effective Approach:
    • 1. Repurposing Materials: Utilize recycled or repurposed glass containers and decorative elements to reduce costs.
    • 2. Plant Propagation: Grow plants from cuttings or seeds, which can be more economical than purchasing fully grown plants.
    • 3. DIY Decor: Create homemade decorations or ornaments using inexpensive materials like rocks, twigs, or recycled materials.
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, where the plants receive nutrients through a nutrient-rich water solution. While hydroponics is commonly associated with terrestrial plants, it can also be applied to aquatic plants those grow partially or fully submerged in water.
In the year 2004 SPECS successfully developed an innovative hydroponic solution tailored for the growth of ornamental plants indoors. This groundbreaking system eliminates the need for soil and natural sunlight, allowing for the cultivation of vibrant and healthy ornamental plants in indoor settings. Utilizing water-based nutrient solutions and artificial lighting, this hydroponic technique ensures optimal growth conditions, offering a sustainable and low-cost approach to plant cultivation.
SPECS is giving importance to hydroponic farming as an alternative to the decreasing agricultural area. SPECS arranges for its management and training. For its promotion, meetings, seminars and leaflet distribution, science fairs etc. are organized. Main points of which are as follows-
  • 1-Awareness: - Organising meetings, seminars and literature distribution, science fairs etc.
  • 2-Management: - Arrangement of material, scientific technology and modules.
  • 3-Training: -Trainings and transfer of technology.
  • Key Features:
    • Soil-Free Cultivation: The hydroponic system eliminates the reliance on traditional soil, providing a cleaner and more controlled environment for plant growth.
    • Artificial Lighting: Specifically designed artificial lighting replicates natural sunlight, ensuring photosynthesis and promoting healthy plant development.
    • Water-Based Nutrient Solutions: Plants receive essential nutrients directly from water infused with necessary minerals, providing an efficient and sustainable growth medium.
    • Indoor Ornamental Plants: The hydroponic solution caters to the cultivation of a diverse range of ornamental plants, adding aesthetic value to indoor spaces.
  • Cycling the Aquarium:
    • Perform a nitrogen cycle to establish beneficial bacteria that break down ammonia and nitrites.
    • Use bacterial supplements or add hardy fish to initiate the cycling process.
  • Benefits:
    • Low-Cost Enterprise: The hydroponic system offers an economical approach to plant cultivation, requiring minimal resources while offering a potential avenue for revenue generation.
    • Space-Efficient: Ideal for indoor spaces, this system optimizes space usage, making it suitable for urban environments or small-scale setups.
    • Minimal Effort, Maximum Yield: Simplified maintenance and efficient nutrient delivery ensures ease of operation, making it a lucrative opportunity with relatively low effort.

SPECS's hydroponic solution for indoor ornamental plant cultivation presents an innovative and sustainable approach to gardening. This initiative not only caters to the aesthetic enhancement of indoor spaces but also offers a potential avenue for entrepreneurial ventures, promoting sustainable practices and economic opportunities.

This project demonstrates SPECS's commitment to innovative solutions and entrepreneurship, providing an accessible and economically viable means for growing ornamental plants indoors without sunlight and soil.

Starting a low-cost enterprise focusing on water plant nursery and home decoration can be a creative and feasible venture. Here are some steps and strategies to establish such a business with minimal investment:
Making and Maintaining Water Plants
  • Selecting Plants:
    • o Begin with low-cost, popular, and easy-to-maintain water plants such as water lilies, lotus, duckweed, or hornwort. Consider native species as they might be more readily available and cost-effective.
  • Propagation:
    • o Propagate plants through seeds, division, or cuttings, which can be a cost-effective way to expand your stock.
  • Growing Medium and Containers:
    • o Utilize affordable containers like plastic tubs, buckets, or recycled containers for growing water plants. Use inexpensive potting mix or aquatic soil.
  • Care and Maintenance:
    • o Regularly maintain and care for the plants by providing suitable growing conditions, proper light exposure, and nutrient supplementation as needed.
  • Create Decorative Arrangements:
    • o Use the cultivated water plants to create aesthetically pleasing arrangements like tabletop water gardens or terrariums for home decoration.
  • Unique Designs:
    • o Experiment with different container sizes and shapes, incorporating elements like stones, driftwood, or figurines to create visually appealing home decor pieces.
  • Online Marketing:
    • o Utilize cost-effective online platforms and social media for marketing and selling your decorative water plant arrangements. Create engaging content to attract customers.
  • Local Markets and Events:
    • o Participate in local markets, craft fairs, or community events to showcase and sell your home decoration creations, reaching potential customers directly.

Cost-Effective Approach:

  • Resourceful Sourcing:
    • o Source plants and materials from wholesale or local suppliers to reduce costs.
  • DIY Packaging and Presentation:
    • o Design your packaging and presentation materials to cut down on expenses. Use recycled or cost-effective materials for packaging.
  • Networking and Collaboration:
    • o Collaborate with local businesses, garden centers, or home decor shops to display and sell your products on consignment or partnership basis, reducing overhead costs.

By combining a water plant nursery with home decoration elements, one can create a unique and marketable range of products. With a focus on cost-effective methods, creativity, and strategic marketing, this enterprise can appeal to eco-conscious consumers interested in nature-inspired home decor and sustainable plant options.

For more details about training, Please contact
