Social Incubator

If you hear someone utter the word SPECS, what do you hear? Probably - and generally – the word will be uttered and you will hear it as SPECK or SPECS!
What do these two words refer to?
“Speck” means a tiny spot or particle.
And “Specs” is an abbreviation for spectacles or eye-glasses.

What do these words or references signify?
Indeed, significantly and in many ways, both these words reflect the work and approach of the organization SPECS - that no environmental and ecological concern is small for us, that we do not ignore the smallest of grassroots work and that we pay attention to the tiniest details. And by seeing through spectacles, we take a closer and clearer view of the issue, and enlarge it to see its broader dimensions and implications.

Appropriately, that is SPECS or the Society of Pollution and Environmental Conservation Scientists. It has now been around for a over two decades.

  • Working on the issues of food quality and adulteration, water quality, energy conservation and livelihood generation.
  • Looking at the science and sociology, the mathematics and economics of these concerns.
  • Undertaking research and advocacy, and seeking awareness and action.
  • Identifying with the larger urban and rural community in general and with the children, in particular.
